>>> Wdym according to my logic? It’s according...
The definition of a miracle is a matter that tears what would've been according to the norms. Simple eg would be the connection between fire and burning. So within the definition of a miracle, we do have a contradiction of something yes I would agree. But that contradiction is regarding the normal norms.
>>> The angels that carry out His Commands are...
That's how revelation works. Where this a intermediary between the prophet and God in terms of communication. The event he's talking about was direct. There was no intermidiary between the two by way of a angel
>>> What are abnormal norms 🤨
There's a fancy name for it. I just forgot what it is now
>>> Angels aren't only carrying revelation
I never made this statement
>>>They got tons of other commands to carry out
And I never disagreed with this either
>>> Idk where you’re getting miracle from
I've studied beginner level theology and it's difficult stuff. I'm trying to put it into words that is easy to understand but the truth is this kind of stuff needs to be studied. It needs time to understand. It's a whole mindset you need to give time to
>>> Does Allah enter into creation or not?
No. That would lead to several problems. Like infinite regress and circulation.
>>> Whom are u talking to
I don't even know anymore
>>> So then can you explain surah 27:7-9 which...
There's difference of opinion on how we deal with these kind of texts. People to this day are fighting over it daily on social media.
>>> Like it's of no use in daily life
The fact that he's asking these questions is evident enough that it does have use, no? Similarly if someone was to approach me on the streets and ask me these difficult questions, I would want to have ananswer in my arsenal
>>> Why do you call it an arsenal though. Do y...
Sister asked a very good question