lol. Cruise this summer. Will hit all the same places every other cruise does
I only like not having to plan stuff lol
We will all see polio again soon. Thanks antivaxers!
My uncle has a tiny leg from polio
The guy is in character as a 19F
His character believes legal drinking age is binding.
The NFL is boring if I don’t have a team
I think gambling is a waste of money. I was doing fantasy lol
También. Mi gusta tacos 😂😂
I speak the never took a class but have been in Texas a while version of Spanish. It’s mostly swearing
Just kidding. I have ADD. I don’t know who everyone is talking abkht
I I don’t have any lists.
You are a ray of sunshine
Is this like a monkey paw scenario? I know i shouldn’t try for wishes but id like to anyway
Like tents on sidewalks on small bridges weird or cool weird?