Tbh when I lived in south Africa I rarely burned. I've burnt so badly here though
When I break out in hives they meld into one massive hive that looks like sunburn
I'm just not made to be in the sun
I brown off quite nicely normally
I got sunstroke really bad one year doing a cancer walk for life, that wasn't fun either
Even though I have dominant Scottish genes. Go figure
I always get burned on days where I'm like I'm not going out in the sun, get dragged outside for 5 minutes and then I'm lobster
I used to go brown when I was a kid as I've gotten older my skin just doesn't tolerate the sun at all
The breeze makes you think you’ll be okayclouds
I just don't go out or I go out covered head to toe
Remember when me, kiddo and callum came and I burned in your garden within 20mins
Rah some new mods up in ere
He’s been there since November maybe
Woah 😦 who you get married too?
Not being mod is fun I can block🤣🤣🥰
Not married yet 😅 someone was calling us Mr and Mrs and it stuck
Can me and lea come the wedding
Do they still teach English in schools here? 🤦♂️🤦♂️
Lea already invited herself 🤣🤣
Oh I'll just tag on as her plus one
My big fat antiland wedding
Basically I’m just going to turn up
She we have already been invited 🤔