I want to make this lit but not by getting ppl you don’t want here
Cool, we can go on creating pointless traffic
Time for your unsolicited D pic
He truly believes he’s still a puppy
He is, look at him. He’s just a big puppy
Give him a bit of affection and he will love you forever
What’s he been doing today?
All of my cats are ignoring me today
Indeed. He does it really well.
I have two and a straggler
Oh that’s nice. Is the straggler friendly with your cats?
He came to see me he sensed I complained
This picture is so Egyptian
What do you feed him, his fur is so shiny
It’s the flash on the cam prolly
Well that was enough of his performance
He’s a demon 99% of the time
Pud is only well behaved cause she has cat ptsd
Abused in her life before she came to me
I rescued her at about 18 months she’d had 2 litters and lost the kitten she bonded with, and previous owners were abusing her but don’t know the details
You cuddle her as much as she wants
She is a princess who gets everything she wants and she knows it
I fell asleep on the couch 💀, will continue the crusade tomorrow