Heyo :-) someone up for some fun?
Hope you guys are having fun and are in a good mood?
Why are we pretending not to be in a good mood?
Well then i will roleplay to begrumpy
Well i find the difference in ethical theory quite the interesting topic
But i dont think thats what you mean liyarui
Well i got to admit dualism is quite the hard nut to crack especially if you ask about the boarders of existence
Hahahaha XD thats a good oneXX
I usually try to stay with gravity, itjust keeps me grounded
Nope from my room, to be more precise my bed XD
What would you like to talk about then LiyaRui?
Well I am just a philosophy Student XD
Although its 1 in the morning here XD
Hello :-) what are you guys up to?