Of course it isn't a science
>>> You can be great at maths and Philosophy c...
I was just trying to say that you can genuinely apply reason to religion, it's not like religion is some kind of anti-reason thing
Yeah no one ever said that is was
But this science vs religion idea you have is lame. If a religion asks for faith and not reason or proof then demanding reason or proof from faith is just missing the point
And there have been Faiths who believe that faith and reason should go hand in hand. Some platonics thought that way, and obviously the pythagoreans before that
If you force a certain metaphysical interpretation of concepts like "god" ontopeople without asking them, then saying that science proofs that concept wrong really doesn't do anything but waste people's time. Obviously I mean that god is some kind of being with a physical presence.
Like the vast majority of religious people you will talk to already agree with that kind of materialistic thinking anyway. Assuming that they don't because they are religious is just being wilfully ignorant. Especially since you never even ask
I meant "you" plural. I didn't mean you specifically
Of course. We get waves of people here who are atheists looking to come in and call people stupid for being religious, and I was aiming at those people
Surely if jesus was real he would never allow the dallas Mavericks to trade luka
>>> Descartes is this you
Just because something is constituted by something else doesn't mean that it is entirely reducible to that thing
Or that it is the same thing as its meaning