I know it hurts!
Look at my face, I became your trigger, so I'll walk away
I just
Wanted to be your cure, but I became your poison, and there's no going back!
I don't
Understand why every time I can smile, you decide to show up!
And put her in your arms, as if you weren't responsible
For all this hell happening!
I can't stand losing anymore
I don't have the strength to fight anymore
I just wanted to save you
But I can't even get up!
Not feeling the pain has its good side
But when you do, it hurts non-stop
Not enough to forget me
Because I decided to get up! Until I reach you!
I follow like the darkness of darkness
Chaos follows my trail like a guide of destruction
Everything that moves me, one day, dies reinforcements in vain
Damned plague without solution
But I still pretend
That there is only hate in my heart
That there is no room for sadness, room for forgiveness
Come what may
I will endure like a Berserk!
I will absorb
All the damage
Without looking back
Even if it hurts
I will not feel
See on my face
The countenance of someone
Still enduring much more!
A horrible fetus was born on earth, it camefrom the depths, created by sin, free from all naturalness. Don't you feel it? Feel it in your veins, the son of the devil is among us. Let's unite against it.