It's not as complicated as people say in my opinion
Tbh I like and play all of paradoxs games and I don't think any of them are that hard to learn, maybe besides vic 3 lol
I never played overwatch, heard the community was rather toxic lol
But i at least recommended ck23 or stellaris
True but some i can deal with others i can't
Warhammer for example is horrible but I put upwith it lol
I'd play phasmophbia more but I'm to scared most of the time haha
I like fantasy but no one really plays it
I highly recommend it trying to learn it, i love painting the minis and just having a great time at game stores
I should ignore people but I like talking in vc and half the time that ends badly
Well i hardly play games not that requires you to talk in vc so it's not to much if a issue but when I use to play CS some I got a bit of guys being assholes to me
Yeah warhammer is expensive
I'm actually disgusted which how much I spend on my army's haha
If not to personal what type of business are you trying to start
Oh my bad but ooo what type of restaurant and bar
To sell warhammer items you have to go through Games workshop and there companies which I know is a pain in the ass
But when are you thinking of buying the business?
Well i truly hope it all works out for you