I can't eat protein rich foods right now. That's going to take some time. But a nutritionist is preparing my food chart so I am getting the necessary nutrients as per my condition.
Heyloo, Revealer. Long time. I was hospitalized because I was sick but I am slowly getting better now. Thank you.
Good day to you and everyone else.
Not that kind of room, squirrel.
I have heard of functional dysphonia but I haven't met anyone who has it because of stress. I know someone who was told that he had it after years of visiting various doctors but in his case there was some issue with his vocal chords. He did go through voice therapy and it did get better but he did tell me that the voice therapy was quite uncomfortable.
I am sorry to hear that. How is our speech therapy going? That is absolutely true. If you are stressed, any therapy or medication you are on becomes less effective.
I have been on benzos and my experience was literal hell. But many others have had great results. I hate them now because of my experience.
I hope that they do work out for you and I hope your doctor doesn't keep you on them for the long term.
>>> I have only had one session. I should be p...
You should definitely do the exercises she recommended. It will surely help. Even if you are stressed, it might work at a smaller scale.
That's good. Usually, doctors prescribe both benzos and lithium together to manage symptoms as they have good synergy and efficacy when taken together.
That's one way to keep the dosage of benzos very low and also only for short term use. There're other medicines now which can help slow down your brain activity so youdon't feel moody or anxious or psychotic.
There are other medications that can be used other than benzos. Benzos are better off as a last resort.
I see. There are also side effects to all these medications so that's probably another reason why she is considering taking you off it. And you sort of develop dependency or addiction issues and that's something doctors try to avoid. She might write you something else to help you manage your moods and stress better. They don't usually take you off the medications in one go. They try to gradually bring the dosages down first.
At least that's how it has been with my doctors.
I agree. This is what happens when you don't put enough money into medical research.
That's great news, Alzola. Did she add in benzos or did she prescribe something else?
I had breakfast today and my mood was good in the morning but by 9 30 AM, I turned into this bitter and vile woman. Welp.
I guess, she has a point. Therapy can be super helpful.
I am on bed rest so that's affecting my mood. Having to stay in bed the whole day sucks and is ruining my mood because there's nothing to do.
Yes, it's temporary but it is affecting my mood so that's off putting. Maybe that will change next week. Let's see.
I am listening to music. No wine.
I am usually a busy body so doing nothing is just making me moody. Everyone else is busy with work during the day so it's hard to just stay still and do nothing. In the evenings, I am fine as everyone is home.