well if my wife is next me.
funny how people judge so fast. she is beside me laughing
well we dont have to prove to you anything. nana booboo
no she is laughing about it. why does she have to prove anything. she doesnt like to be told to do stuff. so its funny
she is with me lmao. how many times i have to say it lol
dont hate bud. not a good attribute
i dontneed karma im a grown man. i dont need attention.
should i turn my page to a female then you would be acting diffrent. cause im labeled a guy your hating
she dont wanna prove it lmao. why should she. its so funny your worried about this lol
this is the wife. dude you are funny. i dont wanna prove it. we share this page. 🤣🤣🤣
if i only wanted men attention i sure got it from u lol
i hope so. cause a women i guess dont make good mods lol
so how is everyone today?
where is black cat. get em
why did some go to prison?
somebody posted and now there in prison its on this page lol