And if such a thing was to happen, it would come from intent of care. So, hmm
🤣 oh its happened. Got a belter of my own though 😉
Not an attack a curiosity
Well, thats why we are all lonely and depressed no? Hate for the sake of hate
World fkn hurts, who cares? No one apparently. So fk, that. Rise above it
Or be stuck. With illusions of hatred that got projected onto us, rejection, non stop. Yet you manifest it now? Funny.. how you become what you hate.. digression. And care. Some of us have suffered so profoundly, not to diminish. That it broke. And pieces have been picked up from the shattered remains. Keep going. Just end up running around in cyclicals. Going nowhere. Just is i guess. No need to fix sure. Why not though right?
And you hold dominion, of course 🙂