Prissy's mom is dalit while her dad is neanderthal 😷🤡 biatch
Imposter kat get a life 🤡 biatch
Muslim imposter squid 🤡biatch
I exposed prissy 🤡dalit biatch
I bet none would touch u if they know u dalit irl 🤡 biatch
That would be a protection 🤡 biatch
I would do a DNA test of the woman before i marry her biatch
I would check her ancestry if I found dalit genetic or neanderthal i would dump her 🤡 biatch
>>> Do a dna for yourself biatch
I'm clean asf I'm king 🤡
Don't u see I'm a touch person 🤡 biatch
Allah say:
"if the woman you married get old and you don't want to be with her then you can divorce her, and then gaslight her" biatch
Leara has no hobby nor study 🤡 biatch
>>> Same is applied to a husband too biatch
Allay say it's applied to women only 🤡
This bunnybingo is Muslim he gets triggered upon seeing such post biatch
Today my pc is viruse infected biatch
I'm running a virus scan it will take 5 hours to complete 🤡 biatch
>>> You are the virus biatch
Your religion is a virus 🤡
>>> Im muslim biatch
Tf 😷
Prissy is dalit but she hates india🤡 biatch