Felt that I just bought tires fory truck I had to do it through a loan cause moneys tight
I got mine through Walmart it would have been 670 for mine but I got insurance and the loan payment for the truck lmao Almost 500 for the insurance and 345 for the loan
I haven't played overwatch for a while I wasn't a big fan it was ok
I still have it installed I think it's definitely going to need updated lmao
I'm doing zombie camos first before I do pvp I got to gold with 2 gun for pvp then decided to do zombies first
I just want nebula first not cause I'm bad at the game lmao
Same here I'm playing the work game
I'll probably be playing bo6 later
I was covered in snow the other day when I went out of my house to go to work lmao
Yeah after work I went to my mom's and I tackled my stepbrother in a snow bank cause he told me to lmao
Yeah then sadly it'll rain and be in the 40s then all go away for a week so I can clean my truck cause it's a mess inside and out lmao
I started playing again the other day and got to a junction I keep dying to and I gave up and went to bed lmao