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I heard India is a third world country, is that true? They re-use water bottles and don’t reseal them, don’t have traffic laws, and there’s a lot of smog?

I heard India is a third world country, is that true? They re-use water bottles and don’t reseal them, don’t have traffic laws, and there’s a lot of smog?
A countries “world” has nothing to do with development. It’s an old term from WWII.
How it was !
Gotcha, so they’re just very behind in development compared to the rest of the world then I assume?
India is a nuclear power so I’d say they are developed.
We determine countries development based on nuclear power? So then Afghanistan and Pakistan are also developed by that logic
Afghanistan isn’t a nuclear power. But development normally relates to economic power, stability in government and ability to project power.
Thought it was Cold Wae
i’m half indian but never been so no idea