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Anonim Sohbet Odaları, Rastgele yabancılarla çevrimiçi rol yapma oyunu
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Ana Sayfa/Konular/

I’m freezing. But if I cover up with a blanket, I’m gonna fall asleep.

I’m freezing. But if I cover up with a blanket, I’m gonna fall asleep.
You could cuddle up
And yet you said you need weed to sleep 😆
I haven’t slept yet. I usually smoke to sleep. It’s almost 11am. I’ve been up all night on the phone
I smoked last night with the intentions of sleeping. But that didn’t happen.
I smoked last night with the intentions of sleeping. But that didn’t happen.
I’m exhausted
I’m exhausted
LMAO. I don’t run.
LMAO. I don’t run.