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Anonim Sohbet Odaları, Rastgele yabancılarla çevrimiçi rol yapma oyunu
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Lina i can get a pizza with shrooms and you can have the shrooms ill do the other

Lina i can get a pizza with shrooms and you can have the shrooms ill do the other
You like any topings i can give you ketchup
Ketchup is nasty
Okay then eat just shrooms
I can leave you the crumbs
Wut 🙂‍↔️
U dont want em?
No ty 😐
Okay okay u can have 1 slice ig
Treating me like im homeless 😭
You want any change?😂😂
Nah keep it 😭
If you are good next time ill get you a milkshake and not giving you only shrooms maybe a whole pizza and a cupcake
Wtf am I kidnapped by u or something
Hahahaha sounds like it😂😂😂