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stinky big foot

stinky big foot
imma shove it in your face.
crusty ahh yellow toe nails
aww boo hoo.
thats it im calling that yellow crab
uh who’s that ?
the one who was begging for ur feet 😭
eww please don’t. if he comes back bully him for me.
i bully everyone equally dw
smh. bully yourself.
why im beautiful and so sweet
AHAHAHAHAHAAH such a nice joke.
ok one of those is a lie
the whole thing is a lie.
ur whole life is a lie
more like yours. 🙂
i’m the truth unlike ur history book
you wish.
all my wishes came true still waiting on one more tho
what’s the last one lmao.
for u to stop bullying me ):
LMAOOOO. i don’t bully you. you bullied me.