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giving jealousy over a screen

giving jealousy over a screen
Why does this cheese person have beef with everybody
they have it w me i js don’t stay shut
Only one giving jealousy is you im just vibing 💀
& i told u to block me again pick me btc
If you were blocked in the first place I wouldn’t be seeing your messages rn since I don’t unblock people I block hope this helps
be fr yk im on an alt 😂 “ew it’s her” let’s not play dumb
Girl I said that cause you instantly started hating 💀
then u say “ew who’s this” cmon😂
Freedom of speech
which exposed ur own lie 😂
Girls just yapping to yap
can u show me what u look like
No ❤️
Can I show mine? I don’t look root oos
and u hatin to hate
Uno reverse