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🇮🇱Israel Tel-Aviv תא

שלום שלום
איפה קבוצת למתחילים וירושלים?
יש מענה
אפשר את הקישור של קבוצת למתחילים וירושלים?
תלחסו לתנעסו
I love Israel
Me too
We love Israel
הקבוצה של אנוני... https:anti.landgGwSvELiewV
Alguém afim de conversar chama 🔥
Shalom from NYC
How are you?
הגיעו האימוג'ים של פסחא
יום האישה זה כל השנה?
Good morning
Take your belongings with you
Where are you getting that from?
ohhh dear israel is illegal? muslimgrandpa well i wonder how many times israel is mentioned in the quran, can u remind me😁
or is the quran fake news? i see you are very into fake news by your images
meanwhile gazans finally rising up against hamas!! they are braver than u that's for sure
I guess being part of the terrorist group hasn’t really helped Gaza flourish 🤔
🤯 mind-blowing
Don't argue with me argue with ICJ
Pack up though quickly
Hi youv