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Costa Mesa is where we belong
Come on y’all. Don’t front
We belong is Santa Ana in Bristol and McFadden
Nenny sis
Noob bb
Who this donkey 🫏
Is it missy mouse 👀
Drop rq
Let me see ur 🐔
Oh. It’s you
Dont run away bb
I need some za
Is anyone a femboy
The donkey is
>>> Is anyone a femboy Yes noob is
Okay, so i need some opinions. I’m debating leaving my wife because she’s gained over 70 pounds since we got married, and she has refuse to lose weight for over a year now
I’d leave her too tbh
>>> 🤦🏿‍♀️ That emoji black af
Leave her
>>> I’d leave her too tbh Says the fatass
I’m working on it tho
I’m not joking lol
Yaw 100 yrs
That emoji has to use a separate drinking fountain
Damn he went there
Ava 🖕🏿
>>> Okay, so i need some opinions. I’m debatin... Why cant u love her fatass
I’m not attracted to fat women
>>> Ava 🖕🏿 😛
Dm that 🍑
>>> I’m not attracted to fat women Just pretend as if u r blind
No fat chix
Nah bro