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  2. "Ana Ekrana Ekle"ye dokun
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Kuzey Amerika/

🇨🇦Toronto 2.0

This song on repeat for a week😂
Oh noo why respond to it 😂 it’s gonna come back
It just got replaced by Mutt
How's everyone
Today was a nice day
Hi Maya
Hey naughty Maya
How was your day?
Missed you
How are u guys
I'm doing great
Any plans
Its sat night
Unfortunately no 😕
Watching NBA
Nice haha
Prob gonna sleep early😇
Who’s playing?
Sleep early ?? 😱😱
Warriors vs pistons
Haha yeah😇
Mmm idk them haha
Haha ok
You don't know Steph Curry?
Oh wait
I do haha
Haha yes
He plays for warriors
Maya & Jerry hi
this group seems dead without Maya
Not really
she's right there 🫵
It comes alive when the regulars come back
Couldn’t even keep up last night
So I cut 💀
Oh wrong Toronto group 🤣
hahah I see this group slow when she is gone but when she is here it's alive
If it’s so ded why you in it? 🤔