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OOregon only

hey all
how is it going?
Enjoying president’s day
Hey y'all what's up 👋
Hell yeah it's a great day for America love our new president
Lol stay tuned. He's going to usher in the Antichrist
Well what’s so bad about the Antichrist? christ hasn’t exactly made things great. Why not try the opposite for once?
Wrong. I reviewed that in Jesus name. I hope and pray you find Jesus before he comes for his bride or you will be stuck down here for the seven where steers of all of human existence
Back to work Antichristing
Hey what's up y'all 👋
Hello Everyone
I have to go to work in the morning
It’s an Antichrist morning
Welcome! Shall we play hockey?
I'd rather watch
I’ve heard you like to watch
Have you ever smelt mothballs?
Not in a while
Anybody in your grants pass
I like to smelt
hi im new here
Dm me
Then what?
>>> hi im new here New to Oregon or to this room?
New to scams
Rain all week 😞
Shall we paint the town red?
Anyone around Hillsboro
Two people
Anyone here?
Just us crabs
Newbie who’s down to cuddle and try new adventures together if it slips in it slips
you two should get along
Anyone up for fun