How you been haven't been on here in a while
That's good to hear brother! I'm keeping lol thanks for asking! Just got back to work had 2 weeks off for Christmas then a whole month lol was different but nice
Oh there's always lots to do at home lol between all the snow and keeping up with fire wood. Gotta spend lots of time with my daughter tho, hard to go back after that but the bank account is happier 🤣
Anyone getting up to some fun tonight?
>>> Yeah you gotta recharge that fund eventual...
It definitely goes quicker than it comes in lol
What you up to? I'm just having a drink watching American pie and the fire burn 🔥
You got one of those gaming computers?
Fair enough lol you ever get into an xbox ? I think i gotta pull mine apart and clean it never done it before
>>> i run a bunch of VMs on it and stuff all t...
Da* that sounds pretty technical
Ya i haven't watched any yet, taking things apart and putting then back together is kinda my specialty lol
It started making alot of noise from the fan then a random screw shot out the other day lol not a good sign 😅
I've had it since I was 18 lol it's had a good life. I don't play much but being off i started again first time In 3 years
Besides that the only other thing I did was pull a 400 honda motor I'm gunna swap into my Lil bobber 😎
It'll be interesting, it's a 250 twin now. This 400 single is outa a quad. it's crazy fast now so it should be fun in something half the size 😅
There the bike bad pic tho
>>> Oooh, that looks fun
It will be more fun when I get this motor in lol
Hey there bee ! How are you doin tonight?