>>> Yes
Which team do yoou support?
>>> I Love College Football
Oh American football?! I was talking about Soccer
>>> Prem starts next week
Yesss 🔥🔥🔥 Who do you think have best chance thos year?
>>> I’m a Liverpool fan I’m hoping for Top 4
Wow man since klopp left. It's been brutal!
>>> heyyyy y’allll should dance 🤍 should I ge...
Get it girl! There's only one life. Just Don't kill yourself
>>> Klopp leaving one of the sadest days of my...
Ahhh sorry man! Yeah It's brutal! We are still suffering after Sir Alex Ferguson left 💀
>>> I’ll share secrets
I am.all ears
I have a few confessions to make, like I have lost my father last year, the year before that lost a sister with her newborn baby in the hospital and grandfather. Due to my back pain I am in bed for last 7 days so my new year was in bed. So yeah..... How are you all? Any confessions to make?
>>> I am so bored in life that even sex doesn’...
Keep the girls for yourself.. give me the money lol
>>> I hate when aman says they’re submissive....
I hear you
>>> We're just together and I don't think Ill ...
It's about how he respond. Leave if he's Mama's boy. If he got balls then different case
>>> Real doms cant play the sub role
True, once tried with one of the girls I play with and I was down the whole time lol
I confess
I hate the part where in this app you can't share any other info because I lost so many good people that I lost interest in being here.
How can I increase my karma point
>>> I don't want to get married ever, sowwie 🥺
You don't need to if you don't want to.
>>> Some argue that oxygen is a drug
Yeah we can't live without it lol