I wish I could I’m at work
Where are all us from anyone from Canada 🇨🇦
Look not interested in xesand also not sending n u d es
So please leave me alone I’m just here to have nice conversations
Working and just trying to kill time
Blocked and deleted never a other chance In their lifetime to have a shot at me
This was my late husband I’m not one to kid around when in a relationship
Brian is still alive I believe his parents are hiding him
Kinda it’s like a whole thing with just the tooth and all and the parents being icky to me
Tbh I think the cops are never gonna protect women like they should cause nobody cares about women unfortunately
As one I have the right to say this
Cause women are trapped he wasn’t like that the whole time :… he was putting on a show until the real him started showing in the streets
I had a man act right for maybe a year then his true colors came out and I left
He yelled at his 78 year old mother and I snapped at him and said nah this ain’t it POS
It’s real men and women do it