place a cloth dampened with ice water on your forehead
It works wonders on my migraines
>>> Someone i really connected with doesnt tex...
That happens so much, it's kinda depressing to think about it 😕
Do you all enjoy celebrating your b-days?
That makes so much sense actually 💀 Mine wasn't as I hoped
I'm glad you all seem to be having a good time
Not really 💀 Monday's on me like a dark cloud
😂 good for you!! Yeah, work awaits me but I'm glad I have a job, you have any plans?
I truly am, job searching isn't something I'm keen on doing any soon
>>> Imma fold laundry, that’s about it
Good plans btw I'll follow your lead and do mine lol
What do you work with? Do you have long hours?
Wow, and you like what you do?