Some of you still kiss your parents on the mouth don't u biatch
I like that boulder.....that is a nice boulder biatch
Parfait is probably the best damn food in whole damn planet biatch
>>> Everyone is here for karma right biatch
I'm here to get my parking validated damnit
No one has answered if I am able to trade in my day pass for a weekly pass and pay the difference biatch
Harambe had it coming. There I said it biatch
Do guys compare size biatch
This app used to have so many hot blue collar men biatch
Men do you ever do the helicopter thing biatch
Long live the beautiful helicopters biatch
If I was a man I would stick it in a peanut butter jar just once biatch
Any hole can be a goal! biatch
My boobs wouldn't fit in a peanut butter jar babes biatch
What's the weirdest place you put it? biatch
So - how many of you like the whole dry hump craze sweeping the nation? biatch
I like to watch guy on guy and decide who is doing it for the money biatch
Any men in work boots hehehe biatch