>>> Waalikumasalam
It appears to be underage...
>>> هجده سالمه
أنت تبدو أصغر سنا، ولكنك لا تزال جميلة.
>>> شکرا🙃->>> Você parece mais jovem, mas ain...
إذا كنت تريد إجراء محادثة خاصة، فسيكون ذلك
>>> I’m Greektoday
Hello Tiffany, how are you?
>>> I need someone to hug me-Preciso que algué...
Feel hugged then, and how are you?
>>> Thank you
A loving hug is never too much
>>> Awww thank you
Where are you from ?
>>> any hung guys in here?-Tem algum cara dota...
My parents adopted me, does that count?
She's really hot... So hot it looks fake
>>> Does it matter? It’s someone else if it’s ...
How can you be sure that you will never see this girl? Anything is possible... If it is not something fake sksksks
>>>📷Wow, what beautiful breasts and what a sexy mouth... Congratulations on your beauty
>>> I think that's enough greetings. Get to th...
And what interests you?
>>> Genuine conversation anyone???
>>> Genuine conversation anyone???-Alguém quer...
If you want, call me in PM
>>> Hi info room name who send naughty pic-Olá..
I don't think you can send such naughty photos.
>>> Any married men here-Algum homem casado aqui?
I am married r
>>> No people have been dealing with this for ...
Deal with what?
What the hell is this about taking a picture of your own ass?