>>> Wow that was fast
That's what she said 😏😏
I'm also pretty.....pretty annoying
>>> Ummmmmm only I get to sit on him he’s mine
So you won't share me with the men?? 🤣🤣🤣
>>> It’s my dream to be with 2 women’s
Same here lmao
>>> I mean can I watch lol
Join in if you want 👀
>>> I just choked on my cereal
Sure it was "cereal" you choked on 😏😏
Big booty Puerto rican goddess
Nobody will get the reference 👀
>>> You’re better than them anyway
Damn straight she is
*runs away and climbs a mountain*
>>> Hey, guys! What’s everyone talking about?
Quantum physics
I mean, if you believe that every action has a reaction, then you have to believe inthe multiverse
>>> Lemme come to the wedding pwease
You have to stay for the honeymoon though 👀
>>> Hey now we have to have one night for ours...
Make it 2
>>> Had to give bath to dog lol
Bath me next 😏
>>> Yall eyeing me 😋
That's my job 👀
I'm working nights as well