I have the best Daddy ever 💗
hehehehehe oh let me count the ways LOL blush its just everything
we met in this group😇😻 too
we hit it off really good from the start and yeah he found me actually and I'm thankful everyday for that
I hope you everyone finds a perfect or really good match
online or real life I wish the best for everyone
if we end up together irl we will come share a pic together here lol
dreamy sigh...these are the "what ifs" that are nice to have 😇😸
it's nice to have positive "what ifs"
cupid just needs to start doing his job more hehe
giggle I'm trying to find a pet wife for a friend already hehe but I will be on the look out 😇😸
my collars 💗 when he wakes he will pick which one I wear today 🤩
thank you ..its amazing that there are people in the world that can vibe so well together and honestly accept eachother ..it is possible 💖
doing well thank you 🎀 nice to see you here again
hi Jersey Strong how you doing 😇😸