I’m a handsome man what do you expect
No one can resist those eyes bb
Now who gon tell the lion to stop cornering people and gaslighting them
there’s too many lesbian rooms but don’t go around lying and be like you didnt come on here for 3 years
i haven’t eaten supper nor dinner
I just ate a frozen food you buy in those lil packs and cereal
pretty sure I ate less then 700 calories today
pasta is the way also fried rice
When you’re really hungry you don’t care trust me
I don’t eat much but yet my ass is still fat I might be blessed from the gods
I have my moments of eating a lot then the next day I’ll forget to eat
That’s called ✨ balance ✨
Anyways I’m starving not gonna lie but I don’t wanna get up
I’m already in bed with the lights off
I do have cookies tho but it’s too late to eat em
I’ll just have to compensate with a good breakfast tmrw
Thats if I wake up early enough