Any joy division fan lol (still trying to get familiar with the whole web version thing
Maybe need to setting up the phone with big fonts
Yk like mom and dads phone be like
Is this what it feels like using an android phone
🤣🤣🤣 sorry, I’m just not used to it!!!!
It’s live pic but it shows as gallery
But now you can pay 25 karma to check if it’s real or fake ahhaa
Is your app still working?
Cuz I’m using this web thing and it’s dodgy af
They always automatically updated my app so nothing I can do 🥲
It’s just not as smooth anymore 🥲
Maybe app on android still works anyways? Just not for iOS
The rating things popped up from time to time when chatting
Yea it was available for me to rate ppl while I was using the app but it only shows what ratings ppl actually got while using this wacky web ver
Check my bicep (2months of training 👉🏼👈🏼
Thank you!!!!! I need to cut some fat hahaha