I just picked her cause she looked butchy
And she stayed being my main ever since lol now she's p100
I run DS,adrenaline,Resilience and iron will that's my to go to build rn
But since they buffed iron will again I've been using it back in my build
100% iron will but if you're exhausted then it won't work
I'm dirty iron will abuser
Why don't you get on and come play 2v8 with me milo
I'm taking advantage of it rn for bps
Okie cause I'm running around trying to bully killers too until they decided to gang up on me
Once in a blue moon milo wants to play Dbd
Ofc! I just hopped off I played a quick 2v8 for some extra bps but I'll be on tomorrow (:
No we just communicate telepathically
Well me and creamy do we just played the game for so long we kinda just know what to do without comms
Yee or if you just wanna send it to me already to my dms you can (: