Pas gw serius mau berubah solehah, malah muncul
Itu yg gw lagi takutin skrg
Gw fokus essay ke diri sndiri ajadulu
Tapi ya itu, ada cowok yg nyatek...jadi keinget si Jovan...ya model2 bgtuan lah...betah ampe berbulan2 ngajak ribut
Mank lu pernah duga dulu waktu kita bdua ribut, ujung2nya Asmara?
Padahal kita bdua ky najis banget kan
>>> Yg okt gw kenal, plek sama kelakuannya cum...
Gw penasaran...okt singkatan apa
I'm banned in a room. So many accounts banned...for 3 days, 6 days, 28 days...and...
I reset the ban time just with one account 🤭
Only kratos knows this...and I also know kratos different trick.
Just like u who never changed ur comment
Dear diary, there's someone who talked like kratos in Dior room. He greeted me but I'm not sure
I mean, he greeted me like usual....but...
He said "hiii" in the beginning
I'm not sure if kratos says "hiii". Kratos usually has unique entrance
N how tf did he find diors room link...cos Dior has made it private
Btw I found Ben too... Brax's biggest rival
How come I found kratos and Ben at same time
I guess people tend to come back at same time...not one by one
Maybe men's brains work the same