I don’t know. I thought deep cleaning every two weeks was normal— but someone told me that was borderline OCD.
It’s almost like, a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.
Prefer dark chocolate. Sorry not sorry.
I’m insulted. I can handle myself perfectly fine.
White Russian is good too.
They forget to add “out”.
I only dance when I’m liquored up enough.
Dance dance Revolution? 😂
Has anyone seen those cute videos of the dad pretending to throw a nightclub for his little kid? Thats cute 😭
Okay. I guess you’re just dead inside.
That’s a crap book. There’s better books out there than “Fifty Shades of Grey.”
Worst thing bc I look stupid guilty too
How small are they? It sortve depends on placement as well.
I don’t know. I like when there’s a collective of small tattoos together. Almost like a sleeve.
I didn’t want to say it 😂
No, get it pierced. We like it extra bumpy
This. I’m hesitant about getting another tattoo, because my aesthetic varies.