Thing is what can I message her saying 😥
Also if she’s been with more guys what’s the point 😢
You can’t be a h0e and then just come back to me 😭
Part of me feels like she’s just trying to get in my head 😰
To see if she still got it 😢
Everyone tells me even my friends tell me to just get over it n it’s not that easy 😰
3 years gone down the drain in a minute and it was so random 😰
We was literally saying how we love eachother and then poof same day gone 😢
It’s been a year n a month and I thought I was over it but when she called yesterday the memories just all came back😥
It feels so wrong to ignore her 😥
I don’t think she ever loved me because I would of never done what she did 😭
That’s what I think it just won’t be the same 😢
I really want a Time Machine 😭
I know if I don’t act now will never get back together 😰
But then I don’t even know if I want to 😭
No one knows the sweet girl I knew and I know how other guys r n she’s deffo been treated bad 😭
But then why’s it my problem to look after her anymore she made her decision 😰
I’ve tried messaging other girls but the spark just isn’t there 😥
I just hope god sorts everything out 😰
Sorry bro Im riding out if that ever happened to me 😥