All these white multi ethnic nations have hoarded so much wealth and potential and possibility, why would you go to another terrible terrible place, when you could go to a great place? Are you not using your brain?
Omg ur comments are just 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Why cause I spit truths? You have not said one factual thing you just spew emotional, left wing dogma
You were literally literally just wrong moment ago
I’m not about to spit truths to someone who’s not going to open a history book and actually read ?that’s if you can actually do that but instead of that ur watching tv and feeding ur brain lies and going with what ever the tv tells you…
I used to teach history and have read thousands of books
Thousands? Yeah all right we got a big liar over here.
This guy doesn’t realize he could be bad at his job
You failed as a teacher and I’m positive you don’t read ..
What is the last history book you read?
Well, I just actually finished a US history course last semester
It was the last time you read a book and you actually properly digested it and critically thought about it?