I don’t think you get it lmao. I don’t wanna make shooting easier. I like a challenge. Anything with a spread is boring
U ever duck hunt before? Try shooting one with a .22 during mid-flight.
I’ve duck hunter for 20 years lmao. That’s the whole point
You’ve clearly never went or you just know a guy who does. Most experienced duck hunters use a .22. I’ve dropped a moose with a .22. Just shoot in the ear hole
illegal to shoot lead into body of water.
That’s why you don’t shoot into water? You hit the duck…
U really think the DNR gives a rats ass about that
You think I care about that lmao. I’ve hunted 20 years buddy
So 20 years of breaking regulations and not getting caught up with a DNR
It’s not breaking regulations lmao. You’re assuming cause you’re mad that you’re wrong. Nothing illegal about hunting ducks with a .22.
I'm not wrong. It's the rules. How many shells can your shotgun chamber? 7? lol
You are wrong lol hunting ducks with a .22 is not close to illegal
You tried to use a technicality of shooting into a pond to try and talk trash but in reality nobody shoots into a pond. Why would I wanna shoot somethin not moving when the whole point of a .22 is to make it fun. Get them to lift off then shoot. Simple
I’ve lived my whole life off game meat lol you can’t tell me nothin I don’t know. I’ve hunted everywhere from Newfoundland to Alaska.
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