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>>> That’s boring Cat in the Hat boring? Sounds like ur just not reading it right
Today I laid in my bed and cried all day
Now I gotta go to work
I learned to speeed read one boring summer. lol
>>> Cat in the Hat boring? Sounds like ur just... That’s nostalgia
I never learned to read
I love those
Learn now pig
Or stay dumb forever
I’m jk
I was always picked to read in class and I hated it
I rather be dumb
Less responsibility
Cuz Everyone else read like they brain damaged
Ok stay dumb
You were probably one of those kids who would talk forever to read a sentence
The more ignorant the more peaceful
lol I got bullied die reading pepper I’m like how does that even make sense
>>> You were probably one of those kids who wo... Nah that was everyone else
That’s why mfs always picked me to read
When you're intelligent everything is an issue
Wtf Flash
Ok nerd
Damn I can’t type today
She can't spell apparently
>>> The more ignorant the more peaceful This is so true bro
>>> The more ignorant the more peaceful Yea for sure. Once you read about the lizard people living in desert caves, reading stops being as fun
I guess I’m dumb too
A dude could be getting brutally bullied, his girl cheatin on him, and he’s so clueless he’s just happy as can be
One of us
Telling people to read while typing correctly
Dumb gang 🤝🏼
There’s a reason ppl with genius level iqs usually struggle in life more then someone with an average level iq
Where ya from redbird
And then there people like me with the tism who just struggle
Maybe I need more noise in my life
Just put on some black metal and let it drown u out
>>> 📷 That’s what you see when you go to hell for the first time, say no to pre marital sex kids
That’s not true geniuses make more money bill gates and Elon musk are geniuses doctors are closer to genius level
Poor cherry and her tism😔
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