I also have a savanna monitor dragon
Maybe i should buy a stuffy for cuddles lol
I dont have anything i prefer cuddling with a person hearing the heartbeat and feeling the warmth well actually it more like the cold because im always warmer lol
I don’t really move that much
Lol i have never tried it
Yea we were going to be off but the site manager said we are working so yay
Who wants to come watch a movie
Any movie you want actually i will probably fall asleep lol i just need the presence to help me sleep
Oh i think i have heard of that unfortunately i don’t really watch reality
Are you trying to say food lol
Wow dude must be over weight
Ok i will take you to chipotle
Oh wait they aren’t open lol oops
Just noticed how late it is
Sooo any volunteers to be a human alarm clock lol
Well i need to get some sleep goodnight everyone