I’m more about the frights and thrills of Halloween and making it memorable for the kids
And with a steady breeze the night drifted in, darkness crept over the horizon, as shadows grew larger. With this darkness came dangers unimaginable, as the dead roamed the night. Their skin rotten, bones withered, and a look of pain upon their faces.
Groans of anguish escape their blood stained mouths as they aimlessly wander about. What could be in the minds of these once vibrant people? Is there anything of memory or just and empty shell with no will other than to feed its insatiable hunger for living flesh. Purely primal and lost to the heavens above.
They don’t stop coming, they just keep ripping and clawing, pressing one another into any obstacle. With out the sensation of pain they have no submission and will crush through at the lose of limbs and even smashing each other to nothing but smears of gore.
lol oh the new picture algorithm is horrible
Mines only going to be like 14
Lil bit of pork some beef a dash of Timmy a spritz of Rachel
Definitely give a rating but no details please
What are these that creep in the night? Eyes red and filled with dread. Their fingers long withered like aged branches, inching down off the slender arms. Putrid the smell that came from the hollow pale body that all this stemmed from. Screeching and crying bellowed from its mangled mouth.
Slowly it came towards me, each step looking painful being awkwardly placed with its twisted legs.
I stood there frozen unsure of what was before me. I wanted to move but I couldn’t. I just stood there.
Long leathery fingers reached around the sides of my head. The loose bits of flesh gripping as they pushed back contorting my face.
Yet I couldn’t scream and still I just stood
Why can’t I do anything? Why don’t I feel any of this?
My scalp peeling back around the dull but boney finger tips. Eyes begin to roll back as everything becomes a blur.
Where am I? What’s going on? I can’t feel anything.
Everything is dark with a faint pulse of a red around my peripherals.
Now my body goes limb within this abominations hands. Pulling me closer to its mangled faced. Mouth widening and stretching in an unnatural way.
Who in Hollyweird isn’t now a days
Lazy union writers are ruining it all
Im usually pretty bored of shows before they get to the final seasons
Out of the darkness the zombie did call, true pain and suffering he brought to them all, away were the children off hiding in their beds, in fear the devil will cut off their heads