Am I so gloomy, silent, cold?
Forgive me, please—I’d shine, unfold
The world’s warm light in endless streams
If I but could.
Castles, palm trees, dancing feet,
Winter’s shore with violets sweet,
Or just an hour, rich, embraced,
In joy complete.
But now it’s hard. I cannot steal
Or fake a beam of light—I reel
Through battles dim, where hope must fade,
Where wounds won’t heal.
These are the Antichrist’s dark days,
Gold-stained filth is set ablaze,
While sneering fools and crooked hands
Rise ...
Rise up in praise.
And I am left to fight alone,
No one can hear the aching tone
That fills my silence—but just wait,
New songs will grow
So wait, endure, stay while you may,
My haven bright, my peaceful bay.
A mask now hides my frozen face,
But not for aye.
For soon with tears, or swift, undone,
It melts away, my face will run
To rest upon your gentle knee—
Till all is gone.