>>> Hold em
Barely holding myself together 😂
>>> She got cones too😳
Sometimes I wish I had
But mainly people lending them to me 🤣
>>> on a hourly basis
That sounds like "rent"
>>> fk I'm leaving
Why the rush
>>> Damn. I thought summer would dm, and since...
Risking it all are we? 😆
>>> Summer you would know that how?
I thought we were talking about the colour 🤣
>>> I do get a lot of male DMS 🙄
Next time you get unsolicited male bum,send it my way😁 I know what to do with indecent exposure
>>> Imma do exactly that. Though I rather just...
Are you talking to me😜
>>> Are they different from your evening ones?
😂😂 My thoughts exactly
>>> Maybe in evening they are wide opened?
Stop it! You are not allowed to have my mind
>>> Technically you have mine as i am older. B...
You are not older😜