I don’t think I’ll be able to make it the whole way with the late start I got, so I’ll probably snag a hotel tonight
Haha it definitely gets long after 6
I’m currently listening to an interesting podcast
Rogan and Matthew Walker. It’s all about sleep and how it affects us
It’s been fascinating so far
Y’all I’m terrified to drop in group anymore cause I don’t know what I’m gonna be gettin banned for 😂😂😂
Morning 👀 where ya at, J?
Get a custom 3 piece and you’ll never want anything else!
I like the color! Hard to pull off, but you rock it
I produce live events! Nothing too crazy, but get to do some cool stuff
Morning B! Tired this morning! Had a late night, but can’t complain ☺️
I was just told my picture is not aesthetically attractive. I’m almost offended 😂😂
I never know what I’m allowed to post anymore