>>> Come get me 📦
Can I bring the duritos?
Please don't put them in ya toes
Women of antiland may I ask you a question?
Women of antiland, what do you want in life?
>>> Oh boy this should be interesting
I'm always interesting
Ricky the belly duritos are important
I bet you don't bruise either I know I dont
I was punched in the eye and jaw on Thursday
We where boxing Jason had a good right hook
Poor guy tore his shoulder out punching me in the face
How do fat ppl have small butt cheeks
I no judgement but if that's you your fat and have small buttcheeks
>>> come get a feel
No, you didn't like my feet
You said my feet stink, idk how you even smell a photo
I'm a simple man I wanna drink beers in my bathtub, gain some weight, and fish in a river with my dope arse van
Even I said a couple days ago that I didn't care if she was in an open relationship I wouldn't f her