Just about to sign off andgo to sleep
KB is usually here about this time. Sometimes catch him before I fall asleep
Please say “nice hat” to him for me if he shows up.
Good night!
Just a reminder…
Welcome to “Girls 🔥 4 Older Men”
•Respect each other
(especially the ladies)
•No pic pm dropping
•No immediately asking to havefor pm’s
•No spamming (ads, links etc.)
•Don’t be annoying
•Don’t cause troubledrama
•You can post selfies only if you chat as well
These are simple rules. If you can’t follow them, please leave. If you can’t follow them and don’t leave, a mod will show you the ban hammer.
Oh and Mo-Da-Ev!
It’s 940pm for me
I’ve driven through Tennessee it has 2 time zones
Have you been to Central BBQ in Memphis?
Is it really that bad? We just stopped there to eat
I’m not a bot 🤖
But everyone thinks I am
I hit the jackpot when I found this group
Not even close, at this point I doubt it will ever happen
You all are so sweet. Woke up early from a dream. Have to get out of bed soon and get ready for work
No more work from home. I have to go into the office now