And reality check: Martin is never gonna choose you Rina biatch
He probably wouldn’t choose you even if you were the last chick on Earth! biatch
Your obsession’s got you looking like a clown, not a queen biatch
It’s like you took ‘simping’ and turned it into a whole damn lifestyle biatch
You think you’re some romantic heroine chasing true love, but nah, you’re just the desperate stalker everyone laughs about in the group chat 💬 biatch
Maybe it’s time you stop embarrassing yourself and aim for someone who actually wants you biatch
But hey, I guess that would require a shred of self-respect, which you clearly don’t have biatch
Rina, girl, you’ve turned desperation into a damn art form biatch
You’re out here chasing Martin like he’s the last oxygen tank and you’re drowning in your own delusions biatch
Martin’s probably praying for an exorcist every time he sees your messages biatch
Rina you’ve been throwing yourself at him so hard it’s like you’re trying to break the world record for Simp of the Century biatch
And for what? Some white dude who wouldn’t even notice you if you were on fire right in front of him biatch
Rina don’t hide your online biatch
Martin probably wakes up every morning dreading the cringe-fest waiting for him in his DMs biatch
Rina, he doesn’t like you, never did, and never will biatch
Martin’s not playing hard to get; he’s playing ‘How do I escape this psycho chick who keeps throwing herself at me?’ biatch
Rina your whole existence on this app is just one big joke biatch
You really think he’s playing hard to get? No, girl, he’s playing hard to escape biatch
Rinayou’re so fixated on white dudes it’s like you’ve got some twisted fetish instead of actual feelings biatch
Stop saying the R word biatch