Do you guys wanna read what I wrote?
Let me know what you think I Cope with my problems by writing even if they aren’t good
So exhausted mentally and so tired physically , my mind running wild really messing with my positivity feeling so in capable of doing anything I just want to expire and delete all my history , but I know if I do that it’ll hurt everyone close to me really hope they don’t take it personally .trying so hard to win this fight with depression ,I’m losing myself in the midst of the session just trying to make some type of progressionhiding every sad facial expression.
I guess it could be ? I just write and I like when it rhymes 😂
Lmao you can it’s not plagiarized 😂
I feel like my stuffs always a mix between a song and poem
Ok friend thank you for reading my writings
I was showing my writings
WTH is your problem gang..
Coming in here with allat negative energy
Idk bro can in hot for no reason 😭
I fully know this is not being blamed on me when I’m the one who told them they had negative energy 😭
I’m feeling attacked because you said me