As i fear , 2-0 down , half time
Not a good Saturday man, we’re a goal already
Scheitty weekend, ive already found my bed
We eventually won 3-4 got in the pub with 5 minutes of injury time to be played
Better weekend then us then 😊
Defence was getting a bit of stick for conceding 3 goals, we had two right foot defenders in John Souter and Leon balogan
I like a left sided defender on the left it give more balance
My favorite style is only 3 defenders and 5 midfielders
With the Wings doing both offancive and defancive duty
I always use that when i play FM 😂😂
I fcking lost my phone again 😂😂
That’s a good system, worked for us against fenerbache away
You can play with wing backs or just two wingers
You need to put a GPS on your phone man 😂😂
Its someone who keeps ide hings from me
I belive its the «Litle people» who does it 😂😂
Could be worse man, they could take your hashish 😂😂
You cant imagine all the times i had to tear down house to find it again
Tell them to help you out with bills 😂
But i try to keep my hash i one spot , just not to Get confused about it
They too greedy for that 😂
My weed is in a box that goes beside my bed 😂
Midle of table or the pipe table , one out of two here 😂😂
When I’m in the living room watching the telly I just slide it under the couch
My bully is a bully today 😂😂
He refuse me to relaxe, i need to play he says😂😂
Open the door let him out man 😂
Tell him Sundays a day for relaxing 😂😂
I got him his brother to visit and play 😂😂
He and his brother Are still best friends😊
Picked up had a joint then went back to sleep so wake n bake here again ☕️😎💨