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MMedical Issues support

Anyone online?
How are you
I’m good wby
I’m studying
What do you study
At the time I was studying DM
And insulin administration
Heya 🙂
Hello Hello 👋🏻
I passed a class I thought I wouldn’t!!
That’s great! 😃😃😃
Wow very nice congratulations
Anyone here
Here now 😁😁😁
Thank you!
I’m only 21
And I hope I’m not getting sick and it’s just allergies cause my throat is scratchy and my nose has been kinda runny
Quality sleep is key. But there could be a bug that’s going around. Hope you feel better tmr 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
No matter how much sleep I get I feel that way
I have POTS and hypermobility
Do you have to check your BP often?
I used to, but I really don’t anymore. I figure when I feel horrible that it’s POTS anyways
I think I’m actually getting sick this time or am sick. This is miserable
There is a 🦠 spreading thru the community
Just be glad that it’s not WNV
Yeah, being sick on top of my chronic illnesses suck and on top of my mental issues
Also, found out they just put me on a iron prescription cause my ferrtin levels are super low
I make enough iron atm but am not storing enough
It’s like super low though
Good morning folks 🗣️
How is everyone??
Hello 👋🏻
Good morning